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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
11th & 12th Grade SET DESIGN Art Fee KJ058-61 KJ058-61 11th/12th Grade SET DESIGN Art Fee $25.00 to purchase supplies in bulk for large projects done by students. Projects are large and supplies will depend on what activity/event they are created for. :MACA FIXED Reed,Michelle N/A N/A N/A $25.00
7th ELA Class Fee - R. Joubert KJ058-21 KJ058-21 7th ELA Class Fee - R. Joubert Replenish supplies needed throughout the school year. :MACA FIXED Joubert,Richie N/A N/A N/A $5.00
7th/8th Art Club - M. Reed KJ058-22 KJ058-22 7th/8th Art Club - M. Reed Art supplies purchased in bulk: paint, canvases, specialty pen, inks & paper. :MACA FIXED Reed,Michelle N/A N/A N/A $25.00
7th/8th Math Class Fee - K. Kelly KJ058-16 KJ058-16 7th/8th Math Class Fee - K. Kelly Replenish supplies needed throughout the school year. :MACA FIXED Kelly,Kimberley N/A N/A N/A $5.00
7th/8th Science Class Fee - K. Jolivette KJ058-15 KJ058-15 7th/8th Science Class Fee - K. Wilson Class experiments, activity supplies for curriculum-based projects :MACA FIXED Wilson,Kristina N/A N/A N/A $5.00
7th/8th Social Studies - B. Turner KJ058-19 KJ058-19 7th/8th Social Studies - J. Brown Rewards for students; classroom supplies like, red pens for edits, tissue, highlighters, markers, crayons, chart paper for groups and also snacks during testing. :MACA FIXED Jill,Brown N/A N/A N/A $5.00
8th ELA Class Fee - N. Carter KJ058-20 KJ058-20 8th ELA Class Fee - N. Carter Replenish supplies needed throughout the school year. :MACA FIXED Carter,Nicole N/A N/A N/A $5.00
9th & 10th Grade Science Lab Fees KJ058-62 KJ058-62 9th/10th Gr Science Lab Fees - J. Soileau To replenish disposable items used during class/lab activities/experiments. Common items used are cups, food dye, potatoes, food items, various liquids, PH strips, testing strips, owl pellets, soap, gloves, balloons and other items. :MACA FIXED Soileau,Jason N/A N/A N/A $5.00
9th/10th/11th Art Club - K. Becnel KJ058-23 KJ058-23 9th/10th/11th Art Club - K. Becnel Art Supplies purchased in bulk: paint, canvases, specialty pens, ink & paper. :MACA FIXED Becnel,Kimberly N/A N/A N/A $25.00
Chorus/Vocal Music KJ058-55 KJ058-55 Chorus/Vocal Music Covers but not limited to the following: Theory Workbook, District Choir Audition Fee, District Solo Festival Fee & Spirit Shirt. :MACA FIXED Ragas,Hannah N/A N/A N/A $40.00
Combination Lock REPLACEMENT FEE KJ058-58 KJ058-58 Combination Lock REPLACEMENT FEE Students will be issued a combination lock at the start of the school year. If lock is lost or not returned, students must pay for a replacement. :MACA FIXED Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Community Donations KJ058-VAR12 KJ058-VAR12 Community Donations We are so grateful for our MACA community and all that you do. Community donations will be used to help promote excellence in attendance, academics, student behavior and Talent Areas (Creative Writing, Band, Vocal Music, Theatre/Drama, Visual Arts and Dance). Thank you for your continued support! :MACA VARIABLE Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Dance - CLASS FEE KJ058-57 KJ058-57 Dance - CLASS FEE Covers cost of Spirit Shirt, leotard or other minor costume accessories needed for performances. :MACA FIXED Fontenot,Marguerite N/A N/A N/A $30.00
FBLA KJ058-111 KJ058-111 FBLA FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America teaches common business practices such as: accounting, marketing, journalism, human resources, also taking part in interviews, projects, presentations & speeches. Fee is $30.00 which includes but not limited to: State FBLA Club Membership, National FBLA Club Membership & FBLA Club shirt. :MACA FIXED Soileau,Jason N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Health/Physical Education KJ058-109 KJ058-109 Health/Physical Education To purchase and maintain minor PE equipment and supplies during the school year. :MACA FIXED Kilpatrick,Kacie N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Instrumental Music KJ058-108 KJ058-108 Instrumental Music Covers the following, but not limited to: Division of the Beat Meathod Book (7th Grade); Fussel Method Book (8th-12th Grade); Reeds, Oil, Cork Grease, Instument Tuning and Band Spirit Shirt. :MACA FIXED Steven,Smith N/A N/A N/A $50.00
JR High FT - Surge Entertainment Center & Moncos Park KJ058-137 KJ058-137 JR High FT - Surge Entertainment Center & Moncos Park 7th & 8th Grade Field Trip on May 12, 2025. Fee includes: Surge admission & bus fare, socks, 30 min. free arcade play, meal plan (pizza & 1 drink). Your are giving your child permission to participate. You will not hold SLPSB or MACA responsible for any accident/injury that might occur during this event. You understand that SLPSB or MACA is NOT responsible for acts of nature or man including acts of terrorism & as such you shall not hold them responsible. :MACA FIXED Jolivette wilson,Kristina N/A N/A N/A $26.00
MACA Clear Water Bottles KJ058-110 KJ058-110 MACA Clear Water Bottles 28 oz. transparent water bottle with flip-staw lid. SLPSB approved. :MACA FIXED Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $6.00
MACA Prom Tickets 2025 KJ058-136 KJ058-136 MACA Prom Tickets 2025 (ONLY JUNIORS & SENIORS PLUS DATES) Don't be late for a very imortant date! A Mad Hatter's Wonderland Prom. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2025 7-10PM. Location: McCormick Hall & Event Center 17753 US 190, Port Barre, LA. TICKET PURCHASE DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2025. PLEASE NOTE: Prom Photo Packages must be paid on Prom Night. See Photo Package details attached. :MACA FIXED Richard,Preston N/A N/A N/A $25.00
MACA Replacement ID KJ058-53 KJ058-53 MACA Replacement ID Students are required to wear an ID every day, in the event their ID is lost or damaged they may purchase a replacement for $5.00. :MACA FIXED Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $5.00
MACA Temporary IDs KJ058-VAR2 KJ058-VAR2 MACA Temporary IDs In the event a student reports to school without a Permanent ID, they will be required to obtain a Temporary ID. The cost of a Temporary ID is $1.00 each and is only valid for one day. If they do not have money to pay for it, it will be posted to their fees in JCampus. If your child has more than one (1) Temporary ID to pay, just add total price to the shopping cart. :MACA VARIABLE Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $0.00
PRIOR YEAR Registration Fees DUE KJ058-60 KJ058-60 PRIOR YEAR Registration Fees DUE Unpaid student registration fees from PRIOR YEAR. Please select UNPAID year. :MACA FIXED Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $40.00
Registration Fees KJ058-12 KJ058-12 Registration Fees 2024-2025 Registration fee: Grades 7-12 - $45.00 per student. Each student is required to pay Registration fee prior to the opening of school. The fee will cover the following: a Student ID Card with clip, technology fees, basic school supplies. a portion of the end of the year field trip/or fun day school, and combination lock rental. :MACA FIXED Duplechain,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $45.00
Theatre/Drama Class Fees KJ058-54 KJ058-54 Theatre/Drama Class Fees Covers the following but not limited to the purchases of: playbooks; royalties; costumes (hats, wigs, make-up); props: depending on production; set items or construction materials needed such as wood, paint, hinges; and other classroom supplies. :MACA FIXED Reed,Dana N/A N/A N/A $45.00
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